
Persistence in Response to Adversity

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A good friend of mine recently sent me some encouragement in the form of an excerpt from a The Maxwell Daily Reader by John Maxwell. I was struck by the simplicity of the message, and wanted to share it.

Allowing Problems

“There is a world of difference between a person who has a big problem and a person who makes a big problem. For several years I would do between twenty and thirty hours of counseling each week. I soon discovered that the people who came to see me were not necessarily the ones who had the most problems. They were the ones who were problem conscious and found their difficulties stressful. Naïve at first, I would try to fix their problems only to discover they would go out and find others.

“A study of three hundred highly successful people, people like Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Helen Keller, Winston Churchill, Albert Schweitzer, Mahatma Gandhi, and Alber Einstein, reveals that one-fourth had handicaps, such as blindness, deafness, or crippled limbs. Three-fourths had either been born in poverty, came from broken homes, or at least came from exceedingly tense or disturbed situations.

“Why did the achievers overcome problems, while thousands are overwhelmed by theirs? They refused to hold on to the common excuses for failure. They turned their stumbling blocks into stepping-stones. They realized they could not determine every circumstance in life, but they could determine their choice of attitude towards every circumstance.”

The truth is that we all face challenges that have the potential to overwhelm us. It is our ability to view the challenges for what they are, temporary stumbling blocks, that gives the edge. Do not allow your vision for something greater to be stifled. Understand that the trials of today are refining your character and giving you an opportunity you might otherwise never have had.

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Categorised in: Leadership, Vision

4 Responses »

  1. Absolutely!


  2. Thank you for the like Paul K. and Michael Dooley. I appreciate the comment Dewayne Pybus!!

  3. Through every struggle, battle, trial, or hard time we’ve had, they have always been an opportunity. So many of us miss the opportunity because of our blocked vision. If we focus on Godly truth and stand firm; we are guaranteed a valuable lesson. A lesson created uniquely for you. Don’t go looking for it, stay focused, stay on track. Look for your positive opportunity.

What do you think?